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New publication on developing cloud software

The book contains selected contributions by the Cloud Software Program partners focusing on innovative algorithms, applications, and tools.

The book contains selected contributions by the Cloud Software Program partners focusing on innovative algorithms, applications, and tools to develop new services and applications to be deployed in public and private cloud infrastructures. These are needed to fully utilize the concept computing as a utility as promised by cloud computing. In addition to the actual contributions, the first chapter of the book contains an introduction to cloud computing from the point of view of software development. For the rest of the book, each chapter tackles a concrete problem relevant to software development for cloud infrastructures that originated in the program company partners.

Developing Cloud Software, Algorithms, Applications, and Tools (eds.Ivan Porres,Tommi Mikkonen, Adnan Ashraf), TUCS General 2013



Cloud Software Finland is a four-year programme of Digile (2010-2014), which focuses on developing various aspects of cloud services. The programme is funded by Tekes.
