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Cloud SW Q1/2012 Review
Q1 2012 Q-review Jyväskylä - see details below

Cloud Software Program

Q1 2012 Review


Date and Venue:

26-27th March 2012,

Jyväskylä, Alexandra Hotel





Preliminary Schedule:

26th March Mon 9:00-12:00           Review Presentations

26th March Mon 13:00-17:00         Keynote Presentations & Open Bazaar (Cloud Monday – Public event)

26th March Mon 19:00-22:00         Dinner in Alexandra Hotel

27th March Tue 9:00-12:00            Business Case Consolidation workshops

27th March Tue 13:00-16:00          CoP meetings



Meeting package: 60€/day (120€ 2 days) includes meeting facilities, lunch & refreshments, dinner 35€ without drinks

 (payments to Alexandra hotel)


Accommodation & Travel: Participants are expected to make their own hotel/travel arrangements.


Group rates available in Alexandra hotel including breakfast & sauna as follows:


Hotel Alexandra

Next to the Jyväskylä Railway Station

Contact:   tai fax 014-413 3255

Price: Single room 91,50 €/night, double room 111,50 EUR / night

Code:  TEKES

Group rate available:   1st March 2012


Other hotels near meeting venue Cumulus, Omenahotelli, Scandic, Hotelli Yöpuu see:  https://maps.google.fi/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=hotelli+jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4&fb=1&gl=fi&hq=hotelli&hnear=0x46857415d1a93119:0xba57697d6790a2d7,Jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4&ei=v3UqT9zlA-H04QSBnKGYDg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CCcQtgM


Participants are expected to make their own reservations. Bookings and further information see above.


Meeting registration by 15th March 2012: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CloudQ12012


See you in Jyväskylä!
